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Nanoleap Project Open Day Workshop

Thursday, 19 January 2017 00:00

European network of pilot production plants to promote the use of nanocomposites in the construction sector.

NANOLEAP project brings together a European network of pilot production facilities focused on scaling up nanocomposite synthesis and processing methods. The network is composed of ten pilot plants distributed across Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland) dealing with the most promising applications of nanocomposite materials in the construction sector. After the end of the project, the ten pilot plants, properly equipped and skilled, will work in open access with industrial parties, specially fostering the collaboration with SMEs, with the ultimate goal of enabling the progress of the product to next steps of technology deployment, such as installation of industrial lines, and enter in the commercialisation stage.

On 19th January 2017 NANOLEAP project partners will hold an Open Day Workshop to create fruitful debate amongst research organisations, government representatives and overall industrial parties. The workshop will discuss new models of collaboration based on infrastructure and knowledge sharing as a tool to effectively deal with the technological and economical challenges involved in the process of industrialisation and commercialisation of nanocomposites.

The workshop intends to promote open, straight and unbiased communication between all the stakeholders of the innovation value chain, but especially listening to the needs of the industry for (nano)composites. To this end, the programme has been organised in two parts: the first part is dedicated to presentations of NANOLEAP pilot plants and Open Access model; the second part is focused on interactive open discussion about pilot production opportunities and challenges.

Venue: IMDEA Nanociencia, Faraday 9, Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain

