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  • Tracking flu virus genome replication in real-time with high-speed atomic force microscopy

Tracking flu virus genome replication in real-time with high-speed atomic force microscopy

Dr. Borja Ibarra (IMDEA Nanociencia)
Tuesday, 20 February 2024 12:00

Place: conference hall, IMDEA Nanociencia.


Viral ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) are the cornerstones of viral proliferation as they are responsible for the transcription and replication of most single-stranded RNA viruses. We used high-speed atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy to demonstrate that individual influenza A virus recombinant RNPs undergo a well-defined conformational cycle during RNA synthesis, which can be interpreted in light of previous transcription models. Our studies provide the first estimates of average RNA synthesis rates in a RNP and their dependence on nucleotide concentration and stability of the nascent RNA secondary structures. Furthermore, we provide direct evidence that RNPs can perform consecutive cycles of RNA synthesis, accounting for their ability to recycle and generate multiple copies of RNA.