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IMDEA Nanociencia brings science to school to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science


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  • Researchers from IMDEA Nanociencia visit schools in the Region of Comunidad de Madrid.
  • The students were able to enjoy workshops on nanomaterials and nanomedicine, as well as talks on the contributions of outstanding women scientists.
  • The objective of the activities is to give visibility to the research profession, teach science in an entertaining way, and promote scientific vocations.

Madrid, February 9th, 2024. Once again, IMDEA Nanoscience joins the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11F), proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, which aims to draw attention to achieving full and equal access and participation in science for women and girls.  Achieve gender equality and promote scientific vocations and innovative spirit among girls, encouraging them to opt for scientific and technological careers. IMDEA Nanoscience has celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 with several outreach activities, aimed at students from several schools in the Community of Madrid. The aim of these conferences is to show, in an entertaining way, the talent that makes up the Institute, to make the profession visible and to encourage girls and boys to want to dedicate themselves to research one day.

At the Príncipe de Asturias school, the boys and girls of the 1st year of Early Childhood Education have been able to carry out two workshops on nanomaterials and nanomedicine, led by the researchers Ana Pizarro (Metallopharmaceuticals Group) and Manuela Garnica (Group of States of Topological Surfaces in Quantum Materials), in which the researchers of their groups Catarina Leis,  Alejandro Martín, Vanesa Rodríguez, Ainhoa González, María Tenorio, Elena Pérez, and also the coordinators Laura Ortega and Elena Alonso of the Outreach Office.

At the Gabriel García Márquez Institute and the Vedruna School, the researcher Sara Hernández (Bioengineering Nanophotonics Group) has given informative talks.

At the Mirasierra school, researcher Valle Palomo (Biosensors in Neuroscience Group) spoke about the power of nanomedicine for health.

At the Campos Castellanos rural school (Segovia), the researcher Marina Garrido spoke to the students about the work of three scientists who have influenced her work: Katherine Johnson, who worked at NASA making the calculations for the orbits of satellites, Hedy Lamarr, for her influence on the development of Wi-Fi, and Mildred Dresselhaus,  Pioneer in the study of carbon nanomaterials. He will also tell his own scientific career.

At the Cardenal Spinola School, researcher Julia García carried out two experiments, one of them on the diffraction of light, related to the work of Rosalind Franklin, and the other will be a demonstration of Chladni plates updated with piezoelectrics, thus showing the work of M. D. Waller. To conclude, he talked about the topic of his doctoral thesis, intimately related to the study of these two brilliant researchers.

For her part, the researcher Carmen García (Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials Group) has participated with a video in the microfilm contest 'Pioneers in 60 seconds', which makes visible those who open the way.

With these activities, IMDEA Nanociencia places emphasis on recognizing the fundamental role played by women in scientific communities, and promoting participation in activities to disseminate research in science. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science has been celebrated at IMDEA Nanociencia since 2018, with various activities that combine scientific dissemination, the promotion of scientific vocations and gender equality.

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Source: IMDEA Nanociencia.