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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Dra. Beata María Szydłowska

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD: Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Previous Position: Benjamin Walter Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Research: Switchable Nanomaterials
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HSfC-_EAAAAJ&hl=en
Leaving Date: July 2024
User Name: beata.szydlowska

Beata M. Szydłowska was awarded PhD in Physics from Trinity College Dublin in 2018, where she mastered Liquid Phase Exfoliation enabling isolation 2D materials. She also developed size selection method, tailoring the dispersion to application’s needs. In 2017 she received Intel Ireland Award.

After her PhD, she worked as a postdoc at Universität der Bundeswehr Munchen, where she structured LPE derived 2D layers into silicon-based devices. Since 2022, she was a Benjamin Walter Fellow at Northwestern University (USA) where she led (with Prof. M.C. Hersam) research line on printable, 2D materials enabled viral sensors. Additionally, she developed 2D materials enabled functional composite applicable in stenting technology. In 2024, she was awarded MSCA Ideal Fellowship in Spain to explore Spin Crossover MOFs to investigate their intrinsic properties and real life applications.

Research Lines

1. Liquid Phase Exfoliation of 2D materials, including their post processing and Optical as well as microscopic characterization of their fundamental properties.

2. Sensing, especially biosensing of viral targets with platforms based on 2D materials.

3. Printable 2D materials – individualized ink formulation and printing of nano and micro scale devices on rigid and flexible substrates.