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Innovation and Intellectual Property

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 10:00

pantallazo 1958x1102 online curso innovacion y propiedad industrial 2 12 20

The aim of this course is to promote and disseminate industrial property among IMDEA researchers.


  • Module 1. Innovation systems: concepts, agents and interaction schemes (2 December 2020 - 1 hour)
    • Introduction to innovation: basic concepts and models
  • Module 2. Intellectual property protection, intellectual property and industrial secrets (2 December 2020 - 2 hours)
    • Modalities of protection and ownership.
    • The patent: requirements, content of a patent document, national application process and international extension.
    • Other forms of protection: utility models, industrial designs, distinctive signs and industrial secrets.
    • Intellectual property
  • Module 3. R&D&I project management (10 December 2020 - 3 hours)
    • The R&D&I project: management and sections.
    • Preparation and presentation of proposals